Sometimes the dimensions of the browser present a challenge.
Some examples are: - 4K or 8K TV screens displaying very high resolutions in public displays - 5 or 7 inch screens on embedded systems, which have high resolutions but are not very readable due to their smalll size
The problem is, the standard viewport resolution of EWB may be unreadable, or at least usually small and look wrong.
You could adjust your fonts to compensate - doing so either in your EWB code or in the configuration of the browsing computer, but then that becomes a problem when you need to support multiple devices of different dimensions.
Wouldn’t it be nicer if the code automatically adapted to the screen dimensions?
The solution I chose does exactly that. It uses the Browser’s ability to resize all content in the form to a certain zoom level.
To use it, call this SetScreenSize( width, height) with width and height as the desired minimum dimensions, or set the parameters to zero if you want it to base the width and height on the form’s own current width and height. I would recommend calling it from the Form’s Show or Size function
procedure TForm1.Form1Show(Sender: TObject); begin SetScreensize( 0,0); end;
That calls:
var external box : variant; procedure TForm1.SetScreenSize( localwidth, localheight : integer ); var scalex : double; scaley : double; scale : double; begin if localwidth = 0 then localwidth := width; if localheight = 0 then localheight := height; scalex := application.viewport.width / localwidth; scaley := application.viewport.height / localheight; scale := min( scalex, scaley ); box := getbodyelement; if isie then CreateObject(' = "'+floattostr(scale)+'"') else begin CreateObject(' = "'+floattostr(scale)+'"'); CreateObject('this.blur()'); end; end;
Internet Explorer is handled specially because it is not HTML5 compatible, however all modern browsers with full HTML5 support have a setting which adjusts the zoom of all rendering.
Everything has a downside. This solution does not work well with some things in EWB which make asusmptions about the screen size, such as ShowMessage().
Here is a sample program, with the following source code showing.
unit zoom; interface uses WebCore, WebUI, WebForms, WebCtrls, WebLabels, WebBtns, webdom; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Button1: TButton; AlertLabel1: TAlertLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Form1Size(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure SetScreeNSize( localwidth, localheight : integer ); public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin alertlabel1.Caption :='sample message text'; alertlabel1.Visible := not alertlabel1.Visible; end; var external box : variant; procedure TForm1.SetScreenSize( localwidth, localheight : integer ); var scalex : double; scaley : double; scale : double; begin if localwidth = 0 then localwidth := width; if localheight = 0 then localheight := height; scalex := application.viewport.width / localwidth; scaley := application.viewport.height / localheight; scale := min( scalex, scaley ); box := getbodyelement;// window.document.getElementsByTagName('Body')[0]; if isie then CreateObject(' = "'+floattostr(scale)+'"') else begin CreateObject(' = "'+floattostr(scale)+'"'); CreateObject('this.blur()'); end; end; procedure TForm1.Form1Size(Sender: TObject); begin alertlabel1.Visible := false; SetScreensize( 0,0); end; end.